Sunday, June 24, 2018

Parts of Speech : Classification of Nouns and it's definition with examples

Noun :

Noun is a naming word that indicates the name of person, animal, place, thing, idea, action, abstract, state or quality.And it is typically used in a sentence as subject or object of a verb or as object of a preposition.

For Examples:

Sabina,Bangladesh,Dhaka,Nilphamari, India, America,boy,girl, book,pen,teacher,rice,salt,  water,wood, honesty, happiness, family, sleep, death, etc.

In Sentence: (Bold words are noun)

  •  A boy is going to school.
  •  Selina is a pretty girl.
  • The sun shines in daytime.
  • Education can remove darkness.
  • Poverty is a curse for human life .

Function of Noun: 

Noun/it's used in a sentence as subject of a verb or object of a verb or both subject and object of a verb.

Classification/kinds of nouns:

Noun can be divided into 5 categories:

  1. Proper noun
  2. Common noun
  3. Collective noun
  4. Abstract noun
  5. Material noun

i. Proper Noun:

Proper noun denotes the name of some particular person, place or thing.


  • Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh.
  • Rony is a good boy. ( Sunny is the name of a particular boy)
  • Rumi is a clever girl. (Rimi is the name of a particular girl)

Note - 1 : In above sentences , Dhaka is the name of a particular city/ capital, Rony is the name of a particular boy and Rumi is  the name of a particular girl. 

Note - 2 : Proper noun always starts with capital letter.

ii. Common Noun:
Common noun is a types of noun that is not the name of a particular thing or class but that represents one or all of the members of that class or thing.

A common noun can be preceded by articles (a, the).


  • Rony is a good boy. (Here boy is common noun)
  • Sumi is a nice girl. (Here girl is common noun)

List of some Common Noun  :

Name of People : boy, girl, father, mother, baby, child, teacher, student, man, woman, etc.
Name of Things :  book, pen, table, chair, mobile etc.
Name of Animals :  cow, goat, bird, cat, dog, wolf, tiger, etc. 
Name of Places : city, country, state, capital, beach, forest, etc.

iii. Collective Noun:
Collective nouns are names for a collection or a number of people or things. Words like group, herd, and array are examples of Collective Noun. 

In other words, Collective Noun is a type of noun that describes groups of people, animals or things. 


  •  The jury is divided theirs opinion.
  • The town council has approved plans to create a new park.
  • Our class took a field trip to the natural history museum.
  • Napoleon’s army was finally defeated at Waterloo.
  • Public was not aware of the incident.
  • The proposal was approved by the cabinet.

List of some Collective Noun : Crowd, class, family, herd, committee, audience, council, public, army, mob, gang, team, jury, navy, cabinet, group, company, society, troupe, corporation, senate, faculty, board, etc.

iv. Material Noun:
Material nouns are the raw elements or objects existing in nature.In other words, Material Noun is a noun that can not be count but itt can be measured. 

Some examples of Material Noun : -  cotton, gold, fiber,calcium, plastic iron diamond, brass,marble, steel, copper, coal, silver, milk, water, tea, sugar, wheat, etc.

Some examples in sentences: 

  • Cotton dress is cheap.
  • Calcium is good for health.
  • This is a shop for diamonds.
  • Goldis the precious metal. 
  • Plastic is for ordinary use.
  • Ironis a very useful metal.
  • The cow gives us milk. 
  • Give me a cup of tea. 

Some examples of Material Nouns from nature. 
Water, silver, gold, air,iron, coal, copper, sand, rock

Some examples of Material Nouns from plants. 
Fruits, food, oil, coffee, tea, rubber

Some examples of Material Nouns from animals.  
Egg, meat, honey, milk, leather, wool

Some examples of man - made Material Nouns.
Acid, brick, butter, cheese, alcohol, cement, medicine, clot

Note : Things to remember when using Material Nouns. Material nouns do not take plural forms. It takes only singular forms and singular verbs.Material nouns are uncountable nouns. It can be measured or weighed.

v. Abstract Noun:
An Abstract Noun is usually the name of a quality, action, state or concept. In other words, Abstract noun indicates the names of such things that can’t be touched, tested, smelt or heard .

For Examples :

  • Love,  beauty, honesty, courtesy, bravery, kindness, brightness, darkness, goodness, badness wisdom etc. (These noun are the example of quality.)
  • Judgment, movement, laughter, hatred, theft, etc.  (These noun are the example of action. )
  • Childhood, boyhood, youth, death, poverty, slavery, sickness, sleep, etc.  (These noun are the example of state or concept.  )

Note : The names of Arts and Science such as grammar, chemistry, physics, music, etc. are also abstract noun.